I’ve mentioned a few times how I have difficulty not doing too much and have had to take it down a notch at times. My running and fitness classes are not only my exercise but also my social time. If someone wants to try out a new class or hit up an extra yoga class, I am there! Sound familiar? This strategy worked for a long while until it didn’t anymore. I’ve learned a lot the last few months about taking better care of my body with some more focused recovery strategies. Today I am sharing a little of what I’ve been doing to keep myself up and running.
In the past, I’ve had a few races that I felt I trained and trained (perhaps overtrained) for only to end up being disappointed on race day. After many tearful discussions with my trainer, we re-evaluated some of my training techniques and I started listening to him more about more active recovery strategies. I’ve been doing a few things differently the past few months which I believe have really helped me.
Recovery Strategies
- Taking a complete full day off one day a week-This is a tough one for me. I know I need the rest but I get so antsy sitting around. This is usually my grocery shopping, cooking or laundry day so not sitting just not exercising.
- Rest– I am really making an effort to go to bed earlier and have been trying to get close to 8 hours a sleep each weeknight.
- Massage-Regular massage is really important for me to keep those little aches from becoming big aches. I try to go every 2-3 weeks in addition to being stretched by my trainer twice a week.
- Stick to the plan-If my plan calls for a long run of 8 miles, I cannot do 10 miles. Sounds simple right? When out on a group run, it’s easy for me to feel peer pressure to go that extra mile if others are. I have been good about not doing that the past few months. I have to have easy run days too. Currently running 3 days per week with 3 strength train/cross train days.
- Foam rolling and stretching -Too many times I’ve been in a rush to get somewhere and put off the stretching only to realize at bedtime that I never did it. I always pay for that!
- Warm Epsom salt baths-This has been key for me post long runs. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my recovery.
- Fueling my workouts-Listening to my body and eating more carbs when I feel that I need them especially before long runs.
- Rest part 2–Reducing my training volume and and intensity the 3 weeks before my race. Essentially tapering yes. While increasing my run mileage, I simultaneously cut some of my cross training workouts the day before my long runs. Having fresher legs for my long runs has made a huge difference.
None of this is groundbreaking or new and I have done all of these things before just never all at once. I feel that the Epsom salt baths and the easier workout day before my long run have been key for me. It’s now been a year since I’ve had an injury and I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt this great running. (Insert happy face)
My next goal is to figure out how to add in my tri training into this plan.
These are the strategies that work me for prescribed by my trainer/coach they may not be right for you.
Tell me-What keeps you “up and running”?
Linking up with Anne Marie, Nicole, Michelle & Angelina Marie
and Coach Debbie, Suzlyfe, Running on Happy and Crazy runner girl
Thanks for linking up! Right now, the name of the game is balance. My training has never really been a problem for keeping me injury free–it is stupid things that get me injured. So actually, the name of the game is don’t be stupid.
Well I’ve done that too!
I never add miles (well, almost never, occasionally just a wee bit because it feels good!).
But I do like to get in 3 days of strength training, so unless I couple that with a run day, it’s hard to take a lighter day before a long run. Sometimes it happens, as I’ve been doing a lot of long runs on Sundays lately and then Saturday is my rest day & it’s all good.
I also don’t have much trouble taking a rest day. I like rest. 🙂
I just don’t do baths, but I keep thinking about doing an epsom salt soak for my feet.
Compression socks for recovery — man, that was really brought home to me yesterday. When my ankle first started bothering me, I practically lived in them. I always run in calf sleeves (unless it’s really hot). I prefer the socks for after my runs.
At some point I got away from it. Yesterday my ankle was aching mildly, on and off, all morning & it was really pissing me off. For some reason, I don’t know why, I decided to put on compression socks after my strength training.
It was like a miracle! By the time I went to bed my ankle felt completely normal.
I highly recommend the epsom salt baths they have been so amazing
I have very similar recovery strategies but have never tried an epsom salt bath- think I need to give it a girl and see what it’s all about 🙂
OH it’s been a great addition I am going to keep it in even when I decrease my mileage.
I usually do an easier strength day the day before my long run. I’m working on the rest day thing.
The rest day is hard for me too but I honestly believe my body needs it. Good luck 🙂
Yay! Such good tips! I try to do all of these, but don’t always make it 100%… but I can tell if I don’t.
I’d add do one studio yoga class a week. They really help me keep loose.
The hot yoga has really been helping me too especially in loosening up my hips.
I do take one day rest day off per week….and go to yoga about twice a week….otherwise that’s it and it is not good. I have the foam roller right in front of the TV, but I rarely sit down to watch TV, and when I do, I don’t want to foam roll. I’ve never been successful at taking a bath….I get bored after literally 30 seconds of sitting in water….. I know that if I worked on recovery, I’d become a “better” runner, but it is so hard for me to do.
It is hard for me to always make the time as well but I really feel like all of these strategies have been helping a ton. The foam roller is so great
This is a great reminder of why it’s important to slow down! My training was starting to exhaust me. Now that I’m in the taper, it feels good to be cutting back. Plus I have more time again to get other things done!
It is so easy for me to get caught up and yes like you said, become exhausted when it’s time for race day. It does feel good to cut back before a race if you let yourself
Oh the rest day….so needed but always so hard to stick to!!! My body punishes me for nor doing it though usually ending in some type of injury 🙁
Group run peer pressure…what’s extra mile…way faster than training pace…been there done that.
Don’t get me started on how I am going to fit pre-tri training in….
I am working on sticking to the plan…so hard though 🙁
Right there with you!! I always succumb to peer pressure because who wants to miss out right?
#3 and #6 is a MUST for me.
I know so important for me too! Have a great day
These are all great strategies. The thing that keeps me up and running is backing off when I feel like I need a break. I feel like whats the point of working so pass the point that you may get hurt? Then you won’t be able to do what you love.
Yes totally makes sense when you say it like that but often hard to do!
I’m also bad about taking time to stretch and foam roll after my runs, usually because I have to get to other commitments. And I too pay for it later! Do you use compression socks or apparel at all to recover?
I have used compression socks in the past while I was having some calf/shin issues but have not been using any of them in the past year. Have not felt like I needed them
Yay for feeling great while running! That’s good news. I just started doing epsom salt baths after my long runs during the last training cycle and I really enjoyed them. I think they helped but even if they didn’t, they felt so relaxing that I’m going to keep doing them 🙂 And I have to improve on the foam rolling.
They do feel great and relaxing so why not?!
I love taking warm Epsom salt baths. I always think that helps. And if not, it must be in my head bc I always feel better afterwards. I also love getting massages. Wish I was able to get them more than I do.
I agree the baths are so great for recovering and so relaxing
Proper fueling, foam rolling and massages after big races are key for me!
Yes definitely!
These are all really great and effective tips. I confess that I am not a massage kind of gal, so I do miss the benefits of that particular recovery strategy, but the rest are spot on. It’ shard to hold yourself back when you are having a great workout, but it’s all about the big picture, not the moment. At least, in my opinion.
Way to go on staying injury-free!
Thanks and yes it is hard for me to hold myself back when I am feeling good.
These strategies are so important! I feel like I need to print this list and put it on my fridge as a reminder, haha. I always forget to stretch. I really need to start doing it immediately after my run rather than saying “I’ll do it when I get home” or “after my shower”.
It is really easy to put off stretching and then I forget too.
I usually just run or train 4 or 5 times a week and offer myself 2 or 3 days of full rest, that works for me. I also have been foam rolling every day as I was so tight my mobility was being affected. All your recovery tips are great!
Thanks! Sounds like you have a plan that works for you. Happy running!
Great recovery strategies! Rest day is a must! I really need to work on getting more sleep and foam rolling! I need to give the warm epsom salt bath a try!
Oh the baths are my favorite!
These are great tips. I almost always take at least 2 full rest days. I need it because I’m so wiped out from little people, dogs, and running! Lol! Thanks for linking up!
Sleep, massage, and rest are also high on my list to keep me healthy. I also need to really focus on strength training as I have some weak areas that can lead to injury if I don’t keep them working.
Yes strength training is so important and I love how it makes me feel
So happy to hear your recovery efforts are paying off. I think epsom salt soaks are amazing, I notice huge recovery benefits from them. And I definitely think taking one day fully off is important.
Totally agree! Happy running to you too
I haven’t been injured in 2 years. so so lucky because I don’t do a lot of those things. But I do rarely run two days in a row and my weekday runs are only 3 miles. On the weekend, I only increase my miles each week by 1 mile..never more.
Sounds like you have a plan that really works for you too! Happy running 🙂
All great points! Sleep alone is a miracle worker! I’ve bumped from 6 to 7 on average and oh what a difference! Full days off are mandatory- I think it will help me keep going longer & that is the important part right?
Yes I also think a little extra sleep is key as well!
It’s so great that you have figured out the formula to keep you healthy! I agree that epsom salt baths work wonders. I wish I could get massages more often! When I am training I go to the chiropractor every few weeks for some ART which helps loosen up any tight spots.
Yes I love ART therapy!
My friends keep me up an running. And that is simply because we don’t run all the time. If a few days go by without any runs we text each other to get back into the game. I am glad we take it easy. I always include rest days in my workout and foam roll!
Taking it easy is good too and rest days are key!
Sleep and rest, and listening to my body. Didn’t do it last week and thought I could just pull one last workout Friday and take Saturday as a rest but nope. Chiropractor adjusted and realigned my hips and lumbar and I’ve been forced to rest… hoping the 1.5 mile walk was ok today but I had to test things before going out of town.
I really need to practice more of these tips…. why is it so hard?
You know it really is very hard for me too!
I live for warm Epsom salt baths! They are the best 🙂
They are great aren’t they?!
These are great tips Deborah! I love Epsom baths, and I too have a tendency to put off stretching and rolling, and then it goes by the wayside!
Yes exactly! I have a tendency to put it off too and it gets me into trouble
I am the same way! I always want to jump in when there is something fun going on! I definitely need to take more time for massage!
It helps so much!
Awesome tips!! I LOVE taking epsom salt baths!! The best.
Sleep, foam rolling, rest days – all things runners need to do.
Hooray for zero injuries!!!
Yes now we just have to remember to do them!
I have to remind myself to stick to the plan. It can be so tempting to go for “just a short run” that isn’t scheduled during the taper.
I know it’s really hard to stick to the plan sometimes
great tips! i love epsom salt baths – they are on my shopping list because i ran out. and i definitely need a good massage!
Massages are great aren’t they!
I think all of these rest and recovery articles are speaking to me!
I love a good epsom bath but I struggle to get the rest at night I need. I could work on it.
Thanks Deborah
I think we can all get a little more rest!
These tips are so good because I am so BAD at taking care of myself while training. I am nursing a bruised possibly sprained ankle–my first ever. It didn’t happen by running (I was walking) but I think that if I would have practiced self-care (massage, rest, foam rolling, etc), I would be on the mend a bit faster.
Oooh sprained ankles are never fun! Try icing it. Don’t you just hate when you hurt yourself doing nothing?
Great list of strategies!!!
A day or rest was one my dad even as I was a young kid running would push on me. It’s an excellent habit to get into. Not cross training on that day either, a day of rest makes a huge impact in a person’s recovery even from week to week training.
That’s why I’ve never been a fan of running streaks, they just get a person too close to risking injury.
I’ve never even thought about an epsom salt bath, that is probably a great idea for inflammation! I’ll have to remember that one!
That’s the reason why I never do a run streak either! Great minds think alike 🙂
Since I got a foam roller, it really has been my best friend! My body feels so much better when I remember to use it. I also know the struggle of always wanting to be up and about, but the body does need rest 🙂
Yes the body does need rest but the mind does not always agree!
With work, I can only fit in 4 or so workouts a week, so have a couple rest days. For the rest, I do it, but not faithfully. Its like painting a room… lots of prep work that has to be done but the fun part is actually painting. And the paint doesn’t look good unless the prep was done correctly !
great analogy I love it!
Thank you for sharing! I do most of these except for the massages and epson salt baths. I wish I did massages though, trying to save $$ at the moment!
The epsom salt baths are so great too! I didn’t have time to do mine today and now I am regretting it.
Great to hear you have been injury free! I use a lot of these techniques as well. My coach doesn’t schedule a total rest day for me, although with life lately I often end up missing a day due to life reasons (work, other stress) so it seems every 7-10 days I take a day totally off. Here’s to continued injury-free running!
Yes for both of us!!
I too take one full rest day a week and I use the Easy/Hard strategy the other days.
It’s hard to take rest days sometimes but they really do make a difference don’t they?
I need variety. I can get a major case of boreout, which is why I only run 3 times a week, sometime 4. Changing it up keeps me motivated.
Oh yes I need to change it up for sure!