Ok so it is never fun to come back from a run and find blood all over your sock.
I’ve had a few blisters in the past but have never had this sort of situation. I’m going to need to figure this out ASAP. Both blisters and chafing are very common in the summer with increased perspiration.
According to Runner’s World:

- “Moisten your feet. Just like sweaty skin, dry skin is also more prone to friction. Use skin creams and lotions liberally on a daily basis to maintain proper moisture.
- Choose blister-free socks. Synthetic socks wick moisture away from the skin. Cotton may be lighter, but it retains fluid. Socks with reinforced heels and toes also help reduce friction.
- Run with slick skin. Coat your feet with Vaseline or another lubricant before you run. Or use Second Skin, a padded tape that stays on even when wet. Both methods form a protective shield between your skin and sock.
- Double up. Wear two pairs of socks so the friction occurs between the two socks, rather than between the sock and skin. If your shoe now feels too tight, go up a half-size as long as your foot doesn’t slide around, making blisters a possibility.
- Wear shoes and socks that fit. Shoes that are too small will cause blisters under the toes and on the ends of the toenails. There should be a thumbs width of space between the toes and end of the toe box. Your socks should fit smoothly, with no extra fabric at the toes or heels.” (Runner’s World)
Related to Blisters is the dreaded Chafing-skin irritations caused by friction. This can present as a rash like irritation anywhere the skin rubs especially common on thighs, under sports bras, arms or nipples. When skin is exposed to prolonged chafing common on a long run or race, bleeding or scarring can occur.
I will never forget the pain I experienced after the Vegas Rock n Roll half when I stepped into the shower. I didn’t realize that my sports bra had been rubbing for 2 plus hours and was actually bleeding. Ouch!
Since then, I have been using either Body Glide or Hoo Ha ride glide(chamois cream) under my sports bra and this seems to stop the chafing. I’ve found that putting Vaseline or Aquaphor on my feet keeps them from getting too dry.
Any tips for me? How do you combat chafing and blisters? Do you wear different socks in the summer?
Good tips! I’ve been struggling with blood blisters the past couple months. I’ve tried different socks, vaseline, bandaids, with not much luck. I’m thinking my shoes are a little too tight? I’m wearing 8.5, but wore 9s last year without any blister problems. It’s a hard (and painful) thing to figure out!
It is odd how it just pops up sometimes. I don’t think my shoes are too small. Trial and error I guess with different socks. Thanks for the advice.
Ouch! I (knock on wood!) have never had a blister or chaffing – perhaps I’m not running long enough – but I always wear feetures socks. They are really thick and I haven’t had any problems yet!
I hope your feet return to normal ASAP! That looks painful! PS Thank you for the awesome tips 🙂
Thanks I think I’m fine weird though. I just can’t decide whether it’s better to wear thicker or thinner socks to avoid it. Trial and error I guess.
Ugh, this has happened to me far too many times. These are really great tips. For me, if I have a “hot spot” that is about to turn into a blister, I’ll often use really soft tape (kind of like gauze) and wrap it up before the run. I’ve never tried the double socks thing, because it seems like it would be even worse, but I guess I shouldn’t judge until I try! For me, Feetures have been the only socks that actually prevent blisters. I hate that they’re so expensive (I used to be a Target socks kind of girl), but they really do work!
I think the double socks would be worse as well-more things to rub. I’ve heard about taping up before hand so I can give that a try. Everyone seems to like Feetures and I just got a pair from Zooma I am going to try those tomorrow and hope it does the trick. The things we put ourselves through huh?!
Ouchie! I have used the chafing/anti blister stuff, but honestly, I find that vaseline does just as good of a job. I put a blob on my irritable spots before I run, and maybe in the shoe if I am particularly worried, but that does the trick! Also getting good socks makes a huge difference. I love my Saucony socks, but have also found Thorlos great for preventing blisters 🙂
Thanks Tina-I think I may need to switch to a thinner sock for summer. Never thought of putting the vaseline in my shoe itself. Good idea appreciate the tip. I also like aquaphor I just need to remember to put in on.
I had a blister on my big toe after my last marathon, which was unusual for me (of course it had been 8 years since my previous marathon, so who’s to say?). I didn’t prepare for it because I didn’t expect it.
Chafing however, is another story. I use body glide, and have pretty much given up on regular running shorts for longer runs, and use compression and/or running skirts with built in compression shorts.
For underarm chafing, I find that it necessary to use a sports bra that has very flat (or no) seams under my arms.
The running skirts and tighter shorts seem to work best for me too. I did not expect the toe bleeding bc I’ve never had that before. I’m going to try lubing it up before my next run and hope that it helps. All these things we go through huh? Thanks for stopping by hope to see you again.
Thanks for the tips. I’ve been pretty lucky in no blisters as of late (knock on wood), but I’ve had chaffing from my sports bra. Initially I thought it was my HRM strap, but it was the bra! I will def have to add more body glide this summer.
I get the bra chafe a lot too! I find using a chamois cream made for bike riding really helps. You kind of don’t realize it until you get back and it hurts!!!
Ugh! I haven’t had issues with blisters, but I do wear expensive running socks (a variety of brands, but I do love the RRS brand). Chafing is a painful surprise once in a while, I wear compression shorts to protect my thighs from each other!
Compression shorts are the best I love the skirts with the shorts underneath the. I think the thinner socks will work well in the summer. I put chamois creme on them today and no probs-yay!
I don’t have too much trouble with blisters, but that may or may not be because I use duct tape on my feet’s hotspots 😉
Chafing on the other hand…I can’t seem to find a product that prevents that on a long run. I’ll keep trying though!
You use duct tape on your feet?? I’ve never heard of that! Ive been using a chamois creme made for biking and it really has taken away the chafing. Give it a try!
Ouch! I would recommend Body Glide or 2Toms blister powder. But also looking into different socks that don’t rub/move… and making sure your shoes are fit properly. Owie!
I used some Chamois creme today that I had for my bike and no probs at all. I’m hoping that’s my solution. Wearing thinner socks in the summer seems to help me too.
WOW! that doesn’t look fun at all! i wore shorts ONE time and got a small taste of chaffing…NEVER AGAIN! Until I lose some weight on my thighs! I have yet to get a bloody sock incident, but my hubby did have bleeding from his nips one day…oh so painful!
I don’t get it on my thighs at all but do under the bra strap. Ugh the things we go through! Don’t know what happened with the sock but it was fine today. Freak thing I guess!
I had a sock experience like that once! It pretty much scared the bejeezus out of me when I took off my shoe!
For chafing I am a huge Body Glide fan. I had never tried it before my marathon a few weeks ago and I had never chafed, but for that kind of distance I didn’t want to take any chances. I swear it saved me. I did chafe under one arm and I think it was the one spot on my body where I hadn’t put the Body Glide.
For blisters I wear gel pads or sometimes gel toe caps (I also use those when I have a bruised toenail).
It was scary to me too! Plus totally ruined my nice new shoes. I have heard about the gel caps but have never tried them. Good idea thanks for the tip
Thanks for linking up with us today! Blisters: I’m big on coating my feet in petroleum jelly or anything else I have handy! Then covering with my trusty feetures! socks. Blisters are my enemy- they totally suck.
Everyone does seem to like feetures so I will switch over to those. I think maybe mine were too thick? I like aquaphor under my socks. I have no idea what happened the other day! Not fun. Thanks for stopping by!
This is the worst! I got my first real awful blood blister on my little toe at mile 11 of my first half marathon about a month ago. I’m so nervous now that it will happen again! (P.S. I was wearing features. But they could have met their lifespan and I simply hadn’t realized….)
People seem to really like feetures so I’m digging mine out and hoping that does the trick! Thanks!
I love Nike Drifit elite socks – I’ve never had a blister whilst wearing them, whereas I absolutely hate Hilly twinskins. I’d also agree that bodyglide is great if there are areas where you are prone to chafing.
Trail running shorts (the ones that look like ordinary running shorts, but have compression shorts underneath) are totally awesome. Nike seem to do the best range, although some of theirs are a little bit short. Ronhill trail shorts are a bit longer.
I haven’t tried the NIke socks yet. I do like the compression shorts under the looser shorts style. I don’t seem to get chafing on my legs just everywhere else. What we go through huh? Thanks for stopping by hope to see you again.
Ouch! I don’t get too many blisters anymore…I make sure my shoes fit loose in the toe box and I’m really picky about socks. But everyone in a while I get one. Usually it’s when I wear the wrong socks. If there are seams across the toes or if they don’t fit just right….blister. I also have calluses on the top of my 4th toes. I haven’t quite figured that one out!
Thanks Wendy! I think it may have been sock related. I haven’t had it happen again thankfully-it wasn’t pretty though. Thanks for stopping by! Have a good one
I’ve only ever had one blister and that was the one I got running MCM last year. Hadn’t had one before that or even after! And I don’t typically chafe either, unless I’m wearing my heart rate monitor on a long run!
I don’t know what happened that day but it was not pretty. I think it was a sock issue so I am going to be more careful of wearing thinner ones in the heat.
Ouch ouch ouch! Blisters are the worst and I had that same chafing-shower-reveal after my first marathon. Yowzers! I’ve used Bandaid Blister Block on my feed and it’s pretty helpful. I need to try out body glide and any chafing things, though.
Haven’t tried to bandaid blister block yet I will check it out thanks!
I suggest you apply bodyglide or vaseline to vulnerable areas. They really work! Also a key is always hydrate yourself before and during a run especially this summer.
I do but sometimes it doesn’t work either. I’m experimenting with some chamois cream which seems to work better. Thanks for stopping by!