thanks for joining me and Kim for the weekly run down. After a very rough week last week, I am back in action. Here’s a peek into my busy week of fitness and fun.
Back In Action Weekly Run Down
Sunday- full body strength Peloton + Pvolve lower body
After a week of being so sick, my mind and my body were ready to be back in action. I have such a busy week ahead, that it was time whether or not I was ready!
We started off the day with brunch with our son’s girlfriend’s parents in Georgetown. I made sure not to hug anyone just in case. Later, I got in a quick full body strength class before settling in to watch the Eagles win in playoffs. I also made a few meals for my sister’s kids since she is having surgery this week.
Monday-Full body strength + treadmill hike
I finally feel better enough to do a full on workout (and take a photo!). It sure did feel good to get back to it after last week. The rest of the afternoon was errands that had stacked up.
Tuesday-Peloton hike + upper & lower body strength + core + foam roll
I was still a little congested to run so I opted for another full workout in the gym. Never regret that!
Wednesday-Peloton tread + Pvolve lower body strength + Pilates + foam roll
I finally feel back to normal and was eager to get back to intense workouts. I keep thinking that the Pvolve workouts don’t look so hard until I try them. I am so not flexible!
Thursday -core and stretch
My dad had a procedure today so I was with my mom at the hospital for a few hours. He is fine now. I just had time for a quick class.
Friday- Peloton power walk + upper body strength and Pvolve core
I wanted to make sure to get in a good solid workout today ahead of a really busy weekend ahead. It’s still too icy and very cold so my walk happened on the tread. I’m missing my outdoor walks!
Saturday-barre + core
We are relocating to downtown DC hotel for the next few days for events. Hope to take advantage of the nice hotel gym because our weather is atrocious at the moment. Gotta love when your hotel room has a Peloton waiting for you! Thank you to my husband 🙂
Wendy says
Glad to see you back at it! Looks like you have an exciting week ahead–fun to be a part of it all!
Marcia says
I’m so glad you are back, feeling 100%! Flu is no joke. Looks like a nice mix of workouts for you. Enjoy your whirlwind week ahead!