Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I love the smell of fall in the air not to mention all the delicious foods emanating from the oven. I love having my kids home and feeling my nest full again. What else do I love about Thanksgiving time? A Turkey Trot. Here are 7 great reasons to sign up for a Turkey Trot.
7 Reasons to Do A Turkey Trot
Tradition and Gratitude
Thanksgiving is all about tradition for me. We look forward to preparing our favorite foods together and enjoying them with family and friends. A Thanksgiving day or weekend turkey trot is now part of my tradition for the day. I am reminded of how grateful I am for my health and wellness which allows me to run.
Stress Relief
As much as I love all the family time that Thanksgiving brings, let’s face it, it can get stressful. Completing that morning turkey trot just helps to bring on the feel-good endorphins. Exercise for the win!
Local charities
Turkey Trot races are usually a way for local charities to raise money in your local area. Many also have canned food drives or toy collections in conjunction with races. It is a really nice way to give back and quite convenient. This year, the local charities need even more help and the running community is typically quite generous.
Family Fun
Turkey Trots can bring out whole families to exercise together. It is heart warming to see them out there as a family. Many of my running friends have become family to me and I can always count on a few of them to join me.
Holiday Gear/Costumes
I admit I love a good holiday-themed race. Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season and the perfect time to get into the spirit of the season. I will never forget that time I thought I was really crushing my race only to be passed by a guy pushing a double stroller. Oh, did I mention he was also decked out in full turkey gear from head to toe?

While I am not a believer in counting calories on Thanksgiving, I am a believer in exercising on Thanksgiving. The weekend usually has most of us indulging more than usual. A Turkey Trot can’t hurt and helps to offset some of that overeating.
Low Key Fun
For the most part, Turkey Trot races tend to be low key, less stressful racing opportunities. So many “non runners” come out just to have fun and celebrate the day with family. Regular runners are able to enjoy these races without the typical race-day anxiety we might face.
Will you be Turkey Trotting this year?
Thanks for helping to make the Runners’ Roundup a huge success by visiting all of the hosts: Me, Debbie, Jen, Lisa
Oh, how I miss the Turkey Trots!
They were so much fun and I loved doing a bit of exercise before meeting together with friends (we had no family when we were in the US). I shall be enjoying it vicariously through you!
They are a fun tradition for sure!
Turkey trots are so fun! I need to look into one around here. The last one I did was 2017 and it was kind of hilly and crowded so I’m not sure if I would do it this year. I do love running on Thanksgiving whether its on my own, in a race, or with my family.
yes, I can totally see you all doing one together. Are you hosting Thanksgiving?
Yes. Of course. We have many. No reason you can’t fit one in.
I have a cute hat and socks to wear this year. Can’t wait.
Me too should be lots of fun after missing them last year and going virtual. It was not the same!
Absolutely, YES to trotting on Turkey Day! This year will be our 10th annual Trot in our town 😉 Even last year, we had a huge turnout of people dropping off food/money donations at our “drop site.” We had to make the Trot virtual, but we still promoted the event…and it was my rally-back “race” after recovering from my stress fracture.
Yes, I do remember that! It is a great kick off to the day
Maybe I will sign up for one this year–we’ll see how the running is going. There’s a small local one that is 2 miles, I think I could do that, right? 😛
Absolutely! They are so low key as well might be a good way to jump back in pressure free
I did one last year with my son and his friend. We had a blast! I may have to do it again!
They are always so much fun. I hope I am well enough to do one this year fingers crossed
Yes! I’m running a Turkey Trot with my husband and I can’t wait! Unfortunately we’ve never been able to convince our kids to come with us- they actually think we’re crazy for paying money to get up super early on a holiday and going somewhere to run.
Every year I want to get really creative and put together a “Tofurkey” costume- to offset all the talk about “turkey day.” I’ve never quite figured out how to make it work though. (Side note: if I actually appear in public wearing a Tofurkey costume, my kids will definitely never, ever, be seen with me again.)
well I cannot wait to see this tofurky option! LOL How about a sack of potatoes?
I won’t be doing a Trot as I can’t find one where I’ll be, but I’m absolutely running on Thanksgiving morning. In addition to the calorie off set like you mentioned, it’s kind of similar to a work day. I feel physically and mentally better if I get in some movement before I’m sitting too much.
My trot is actually the Sunday before this year and then we have an MRTT run on Thanksgiving. It does help me feel better too
The races on a celebration day are a very beautiful tradition.
The Turkey Trots looks like a wonderful event for ….. 7 and more reason!
Here, until few years ago, there was a beautiful race on the patron day but the costs and bureaucracy have discouraged the organizers.
I do love a fun holiday themed race!
Turkey Trots are so much fun! I just found out that my town is bringing back the Turkey Trot this year but my OTF studio is also holding classes on thanksgiving so now I have to decide which one to do.
Ooh tough decision! You do have the best turkey gear every year
I always run on Thanksgiving morning but have actually never done a turkey trot. There have never been any easily available. We’ll be local for the holiday this year so maybe I can find one.
Oh they are so much fun hope you have a chance to run in one sometime
I have really enjoyed making a tradition out of the Turkey Trot! I do find it to be a great start of the holiday and it’s fun to see all the families and friends out there!
Yes I agree to all of the above
Great minds… this is my topic for next Friday!
Yes, I agree with all you said.
I always have done a turkey trot unless I was injured. You can always squeeze one in…
This year we are doing an MRTT run together. It’s a great way to kick off the holiday
If there is one holiday, I wish we had here, it is Thanksgiving! I absolutely love the whole concept. And I think maybe I should “steal” this and incorporate the concept as part of our family traditions.
Sounds good to me!!
There was a favorite one that I used to run. It was 3.14 miles and every runner would get a pie at the end. I loved it. Sadly that race no longer takes place. I am going to check out other ones and maybe run one.
well that does sound like fun!
Okay, you’ve convinced me- I was going back and forth on whether to do the Turkey Trot this year, but I’ll do it. It’s a tradition, it feels good to get out and there and exercise before a big day of eating, and it’s just fun. Every year I threaten to wear a costume- maybe this will finally be the year.
It is a fun tradition!
Enjoy this year’s Turkey Trot, Deborah! The good thing about a 5k distance is that you can just walk it if you’re injured. I hope the Ortho will be able to help you fix your glute/hip issues!
Yes, I hope I am well enough to join in on one this year. They are always so fun
We are on the same page with our posts today! Turkey trots are so fun. I’m not sure if we will do one this year but now that Grayson is older I think he would have fun if we could find a very low key one. They are a great way to get in some exercise while having fun with family or friends!
Grayson would definitely have fun running with the other kids!
One of my favorite times to run. The question is which one?
Yes, there are a few that I really like to do. Fingers crossed I am recovered enough to do one
hope you can or at least walk.
A huge YES to trotting on Turkey Day! I’m planning to volunteer, also, at the Des Moines Trot packet pick-up. Tis the season 🙂
that should be fun!
Ha ha… this is reminding me how I got absolutely crushed last year by a guy wearing a full, long sleeve, tights, with a hat, turkey costume- and it was 80 degrees. SIGH! This year my turkey trot will DEFINITELY be a “trot” (as it might possibly be the day after a long run) and I’m okay with that. It’s just about having fun.
that has happened to me many times at a turkey trot!
I’m definitely turkey trotting and I can’t wait! I love the traditions, and the fun, and the cute outfits, and this year, I get to run with my buddy and my husband! It’s going to be incredible.
I am crossing my fingers and toes that I can run by then. I love the tradition for all the Same reasons
Hey, Deborah! This is the first year I think I am going to run the local Turkey Trot. Your article was very inspiring!
fantastic! Have so much fun
You see, it’s a good thing you have so many pants (including holiday-themed ones!). 😉
These are all great reasons to join a Turkey Trot. Will you be hosting the dinner?
All the pants are very useful! We are hosting and have not decided on a turkey trot yet
All great reasons! Thanksgiving can be busy but we usually like to get in a family run. Maybe as the kids get a little older we will start doing a turkey trot all together!
that would be fun!
Yes yes. It’s a tradition for me. So fun.
Always is!
Believe it or not, i’ve never done a Turkey Trot. My husband and I did put on one for over 20 years so I was always working, and never got to run. But I did get to see all the advantages that you mentioned. I loved seeing the families come out together to have fun.
It is fun to see all the families coming out to run together