With my goal race coming up this weekend, I’ve given lots of thought to my race day plans and anxiety (here) and some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past. I’ve actually done all of these things on my list at some point even though I knew it was a bad idea. Hope these tips help you avoid making some of the same mistakes I’ve made.
1. Do not try to cram in any missed workout from previous weeks
I have done this a few times. Not a good idea to go into your race sore and tired.
2. Do not try any new workouts
-Resist the urge to visit that cool new workout spot that just opened up.
3. Do not completely change your eating regimen or try new hydration or nutrition techniques
-They give out lots of sample at the race expo and this is not the time to try them!
4. Do not try to break in new shoes or try new workout clothes.
-Blisters and chafing are not good race day additions.
5. Do not completely second guess your whole training plan.
Oh yea been there done that too.
What Race Day mistakes have you made?
I’m linking up with the Friday Five: Cynthia, Mar & Courtney
and Nicole
I would also say don’t assume you know where you are going or where you need to park on race day. Double check the logistics !
that’s true thanks!
I have made mistakes 3 and 4. Eating can be a challenge with destination races, as I am a total foodie and will want to eat ALL THE FOOD. Then I feel bloated and sluggish. #4 is also an issue. For triathlon I may partially test the gear but forget to pool, bike, and run test it. This resulted in swimming in a “drag suit” in one tri for me. Oops. Great list, Deborah
Yes I’ve made the same mistake myself. Hope I don’t make any this weekend!
Yes to all of those! I’m doing Tough Mudder this weekend, and even though its not my ‘A’ race, I’m second guessing everything! Wondering if I should cram in pull ups and contemplating wearing sneakers I haven’t worn in like 5 years! Best of luck this weekend, can’t wait to hear about it!
I know why do we do that??
Don’t forget the body glide either!
Great tips! Trying to cram in my workouts would probably be my biggest mistake- haha. Not so much anymore but definitely something I used to do 🙂
Ha! Great tips! And don’t eat anything new either…
yes I ‘ve made that mistake too.
Five great tips! It’s hard to resist eating the temping yummies being offered at race expos, but with my race day stomach issues I know better than eating anything new or different!
Have a great weekend, and enjoy your race! Good luck!
I know! I once saw people lining up at an expo to get vitamin B shots that had never done it before!!
These are so true! We always second guess everything before a race when we need to stick to the plan and stop freaking out!
Sounds like a smart idea now lets both do it!
Love this post! Seems obvious, but we get crazy around race time!
I know I do!!
I have wore outfits during races that I have never wore before. They were mostly costumes for Disney or a fun race so it wasn’t for time. Most of them worked out. BUT I would never do that for a goal race of course.
yes you never know where you might chafe!
Ooh, not trying new food is critical for me. Keep it nice and familiar! I get nervous stomach issues if I am worked up over the race as it is!
You and me both!! I did have milkshake at midnight during Ragnar and it did not go well!
Do not eat super spicy food. Those jalapeños will come back to haunt you. 😉
Lol I am sure it would!
I admit to trying new stuff on race day (even though I tell people never to do that). Especially if I found something perfect at the expo :-).
Good luck in your race! You’re going to kill it!
I’ve done it too! Thanks I hope so 🙂
Great tips of mistakes to avoid. Also try to stick to the plan you have laid out for leading up to race, even if fun things pop up. And if it’s runDisney, try to not stay too late at park night before, haha.
Well yes there’s that! Thanks
These are great tips and I think I’ve tried them all and you are correct – total fail! lol I am even scared now to go to the gym at all the week before a race! My husband will NOT let me forget the time I bought us this breakfast cereal mix when we were out of town for a race….did NOT work well for us…oops 🙂 OH and the new shoes – numb toes for 13.1 no thank you!! Great tips on what NOT TO DO, thanks!!
Thanks I think we have all done at least a few of these! I had a milkshake while running Ragnar at midnight. It didn’t go well 🙂
p.s. your site is super cute!! I love theme and colors!
Thanks so much!
Great tips! I took a barre class for the first time before my first half marathon. I was so nervous I was going to be too sore to run! Fortunately, I was fine, but never doing that again.
ha yes probably not the best strategy!
Oh now I’ve done ALL of these!!! Great tips. It’s crazy how much your mind wanders, especially during a marathon or long race taper.
Oh it sure is!!
Do not decide it’s a good idea to try to get rid of whatever is on your foot with a callus pad a couple of weeks before your race. Especially when said thin (I think it may have been a small plantar’s wart) doesn’t bother you when you run.
Yes, I did that once.
Luckily it healed up before the race, but those last couple of weeks I had this hole in my foot!
Oh yikes! That sounds painful 🙂
All great tips! Sometimes less is more ? good luck & have fun !
Also true! thanks
Someone may have already mentioned it, but Do not skip the pre event potty! I’ve skipped it before thinking I was ok or that I didn’t have enough time. Woops!
oh no I never skip that!! 🙂
Sadly, I think I’ve done most of these and you’re right, they don’t end well! I remember trying a weight lifting class the week before a 5k and feeling like I could barely walk much less run the race. I’m thankful it wasn’t a longer race.
LOL! the crazy ideas we get huh?
HAHA! Great tips for sure! Although I am guilty of the shoe thing. I ran my half marathon in a brand new pair of shoes but they were the same model I had been training in so it worked out all right.
That’s lucky!
Yes to all of these! I learned #3 the hard way! I have worn one pair of shoes out of the box (which I know better) for race day, but only because they were Hokas and felt amazing! Plus, I had a previous pair. Bad, Artney. I know lol Great tips!
OH yes bad! I’ve done them all myself too.
Oh man these are all such awesome tips. The only big race I ever ran I was working crazy hours (sitting 12-15 hours a day stressed). Then had to drive 4 hours to get there and didn’t arrive until 1130pm, only to have to be up and out the door at 530am the next day. holy tight hip flexors and not enough sleep! Good thing a crowd gives me energy! If I ever race again, I will definitely keep these tips in mind!
Thanks! Driving always makes my hip flexors tight too it’s the worst.
#3 is so true…I stick with the same nutrition and eating regimen throughout training! PB and banana mostly, hah. Have a great weekend!
PB and banana will certainly work!
I gave up my hydration belt during MCM last year because it was bouncing too much….at mile 3 :/ Worst mistake ever!
Oh wow yea that would suck 🙂
Never break in new shoes right before a race, unless you want to pay the consequences!
That’s a good one!
Do not drink SENNA tea. LMFAO!
Oh I drank a milkshake at midnight during a Ragnar event-it did not go well
Great advice! I’ve done a few of these myself. My big race is this weekend too!! Good luck on your race 🙂
Good luck to you as well!!
I can imagine how doing any (or all) of these things would not be a good idea. I have never done a race before (it’s on my bucket list), but I will keep these in mind.
Yes they are never really good ideas but of course I have done them all!
Good luck in your race!! You are going to do great – get out there and have fun! 🙂
Great tips. I would also say don’t skip out on much needed sleep 2 nights before the race.
Can’t wait to hear all about it!!
I know it’s so hard for me to sleep before a race. I slept last night really well so good to go! still nervous.
The info on what to avoid is pretty awesome.
My goodness! The breaking in new shoes gave me the heebies! Who in their right mind would do that before a race? But folks do all of the above and that is why we need such great reminders. Phew! 🙂
Oh yes they do all kinds of crazy things! I’ve done most of these no no’s myself as well
All great tips! I even find myself trying to cram missed workouts during training weeks – which is also no bueno as well. I end up feeling exhausted at the end of it.
So true!
Good points. The cramming in missed workouts is hard to avoid. I try to remind myself that I’m more likely to hurt myself than improve my conditioning so close to race day.
Yes, I’ve made that mistake myself a few times
I never thought about not wearing new clothes, but that makes a lot of sense!
it does! I see people buy new stuff at the expo and wear it then get chafing etc
Gah, I’m the queen of second guessing my training plan! It’s like all that hard work I’ve done for months is suddenly going to fly out of my head 😉 Glad to know I’m not alone.
oh you are not alone! I do it all the time
Great list! All of these are so true!
It always baffles me when I hear about runners training for marathons or half’s and then the week of they decide to take up a yoga or zumba class or try some new thing out, and get all sore or injured before their race.
Or the ones that think it’s a good idea to get their missed long run in, a few days before the race.. I guess that’s why posts like this are awesome and needed awareness for new runners!
thanks so much! I’ve certainly made a few of these mistakes myself too
Great tips!! Definitely don’t try a new workout before a race. I remember running some sprints with a friend 3 days before a 10 mile race and ended up being so sore. Learned my lesson, no more sprinting with friends for fun before a race!
yes lessons learned for me too!
Yes yes and yes! It took time to learn a lot of things about running but what not to do before a race was learned very early.
lol, I have a race coming up and I sitting here now considering if I should commit your number one. You got me! Thanks for the tips.
No! Don’t do it 🙂
Great tips! I don’t usually run races, but I get the tip about not wearing new shoes. I’ve tried to wear new heels to a wedding without breaking them in– not very wise on my part!
oh yea I’ve made that mistake too-ouch!