I met my personal trainer, Brian, 13 years ago when I was recovering from an ACL/MCL tear. I was a mom with 2 young kids who was not a runner, not a Girls on The Run coach or MRTT chapter leader, barely lifted any weights, and really had no idea how to get back into prebaby shape. Something just clicked and fitness became a passion of mine. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of.
It might have taken 10 years for me to learn some of these lessons and some I’ve certainly learned the hard way. Apparently I am “not the most coachable person”. There are 5 lessons that have been drilled into my head and I think they have finally stuck!
5 Lessons Learned From My Personal Trainer
Every run is not a race
If you are going out there every Tuesday and crushing your neighborhood run, you are not doing yourself any favors. It is important to have easy run days and hard run days.
Every race is not a PR
This is something we talk about in our running group a lot as well. It is unrealistic to think every race will result in a PR and can really set you up for lots of disappointment and increase your chance of injury.
Rest days are crucial for recovery and injury prevention
This one I’ve learned the hard way! Professional athletes take days or even weeks off after a hard race so why would I think that I would not need to do the same? I currently have one full rest day a week and I’ve come to really appreciate the importance of rest in my recovery.
Run your own race
Another tough one for me. How many times have a gotten to start line of a race only to throw my whole race plan out the window as soon as I started? Know your race day strategy and stick to it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. I am racing against myself.
Don’t be afraid to die on a run
Training runs are for training right? It’s ok to go out there sometimes and see how fast or how far you can go. It’s okay to totally die on a run and have to stop or walk. How will you know what you are capable of if you never test your limits?
A big thank you to Brian for being my trainer, psychotherapist, voice of reason, and basically putting up with me all these years. He definitely keeps me healthy, up and running.
What are some running lessons you’ve learned?
Linking up with Nicole
and The Friday 5 Cynthia, Mar & Courtney
Love love love this! I think the hardest thing for me to learn was that every run is not a race. Took marathon training to really teach me that!
It is something that I still struggle with as well.
Your trainer is a smart man. ???? Even as a trainer and coach myself it is sometimes a challenge to take that advice for myself. Though I don’t worry about PRs anymore. 🙂
It is hard to take your own advice sometimes isn’t it?
Those are all great lessons.
Back when I did workout with a personal trainer for a few years — she’s the first person who taught me that I’m stronger than I thought I was!
Absolutely! I’ve also learned that over the years and how great does that feel?!
I love all these lessons…. I feel like I need to remind myself of all of them on a regular basis!!
Oh he still reminds me daily! It’s easy to get caught up and lose sight of the end goal for me
These are great reminders. Not sure if I agree with number 5 though ! 🙂
really? I have a hard time pushing myself to my extreme because I am afraid of what will happen. I’d like to be able to do it just to see.
Sounds like a great trainer! I love the tip “Don’t be afraid to die on a run.” It’s good to remember that training is to practice!
Yes absolutely!
Having your own trainer can be so helpful. I learned so much when I had one!
Absolutely! I’ve really learned a lot and I am so grateful
Sounds like a great trainer! Love the ‘don’t be afraid to die’ one…so true!!
I am still learning how to do that one myself
This is some really great advice!! I have to remind myself that every race is not a PR. It seemed like I always had a PR in high school and college, but now it’s slowing down, so I need to remind myself it’s okay if it doesn’t happen!
Definitely hard to accept but a great one to learn.
That last tip is a good one. I don’t want to literally “die” but it’s a good idea to test your limits during training so you know how far you can push yourself during a race. I don’t race and I don’t run long distances, but these are all great tips.
Thanks so much! Have a great weekend
Love that you have learned so much about running and life from your trainer! We do what we can 😀
Yes for sure! I don’t think I am the easiest client at times 🙂
Sounds like you have yourself a great trainer!! As a coach and trainer myself, this is stuff I tell my clients too. It doesn’t always sink in right away but when it does, it makes a world of difference.
It took a few years but yes I agree it makes a world of difference.
That’s awesome that you’ve worked with your training for so many years! It’s hard to believe you haven’t always been super fit and active! I can definitely relate to this advice….run your own race is so important! My coach would always tell me “Trust your training!”
Yes trust your training is a hard one. I sometimes doubt myself right before a race.
Such good reminders! I think we can all get wrapped up in being the “best” all the time when it’s all about honoring the process.
Yes I agree!
These are great tips we all need to keep in the fore front of our mind during a run (or a rest day). I always want to push myself hard on a run but then remind myself that it really doesn’t count for anything. It’s just a training run and it’s okay if I slow down…lol
It’s not always easy to remember that is it?
The taking a rest concept took me a while! I still struggle with that, and often find “active” things to do on rest days, but I’m trying to learn that rest means rest! And that’s ok! Great lessons!
Oh I do that too sometimes shh don’t tell 🙂
These are all great lessons! Rest days are definitely important and so true to understand that every run is not a race. Sounds like you have a great trainer!
Thanks I think so too!
Sounds like you’ve got yourself a great trainer! Great lessons!
Thanks I think so too
I have learned that you don’t have to always be so serious during your workout. I have the best time visiting with and working out with my trainer. !
I agree! We have lots of fun together
All great lessons! I think the part I like working with my coach is everyday has a goal and it is not just going fast. It takes a well rounded approach to make a well rounded princess warrior 🙂 TGIF!
totally agree! I’m glad you found a trainer that you love as well
Oh gosh, all of the above!! Also, I don’t have my GPS watch me every time I put on my running shoes. The only way one learns to run without technology (and be better in tune with your body) is to run without it …at least some of the time.
That is true as well!
Yes to rest days! I have a hard time resting sometimes but they are necessary for progress and health.
It is hard to resist sometimes for sure!
Sounds like you have a smart trainer! 😉 I’ve learned so many lessons about and while running, I feel like I could write a book! But I guess the most important one is that no two runs will ever be the same, so run in the “here and now” and don’t stress or compare it to yesterday or tomorrow!
that is also true! Always more to learn as well
great tips! have a great weekend!
Thanks you too!
Definitely run my race. I’ve been a runner for a long time. Lately I’ve been listening to all this stuff about how running can actually add more stress to your body and therefore increase cortisol and thus make you less likely to lose that belly fat. Well that’s all fine and good, but I like to run. It’s what makes me feel good and not doing it or doing a slow walk instead, just doesn’t get it. So I’m back to doing what I love to do and what makes me feel good. I do need to embrace a rest day. That’s very hard for me. But a tip from your trainer that I need to take seriously!
Got to do what makes you feel good for you right?! Yes rest days are hard but necessary. Have a great weekend
Wow, 13 years? I’ve been with Becky about 3 years! How do you keep your training fresh?
Over the years my training evolved with me as I trained for different length races and types of events. I really do look forward to it and enjoy it. It is a long time!
All great lessons for any runner.
I love this. Every one of these is something I believe as well. Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much! You too
I need to remember that it’s OK, and actually, good to push myself on a training run. I tend to forget that.
I forget it as well and it’s hard to do sometimes.
I love that – not every race is a PR! Hard to accept sometimes but it’s real life!
he sounds like a great motivator..
He really is!
All good advice! I’m terrible about the injury prevention… I tend to push and push until I break. That’s starting to get to me the older I am!
I did that for a long time and paid the price. I hope I’ve learned my lesson
I love the tip about rest days being necessary. That one is so true. I think the best tip I’ve discovered falls in line with that one, and that’s to take time off for an injury. I think so many of us try to push through injuries but it’s so crucial to pull back if you have them.
Yes totally agree but not always easy to do
Every race is not a PR is correct!
I know!
These are all great tips!!! I love the “Don’t be afraid to die on a Run” 🙂 And of course “Every Run is Not a Race”, so true, words to run by!!!
Yes for sure but not always easy to do
I love these lessons! They are even great lessons for life outside of training 🙂
Thanks! I totally agree 🙂
Sounds like you have a great PT. I wish I had someone to offer me some consistently good training advice.
I am very fortunate and appreciative
Love this! Especially knowing that not every race isn’t a PR, and it’s not designed to be one! I like running races as part of training or just with other people and not worrying about my time.
That’s a great way to approach them!
Wow, it’s great that you’ve had the same trainer for so long and that he’s still helping you get stronger for all the different things you do.
I know I am very lucky to have him. He is such a great support
That’s the best thing about a great trainer, they remind us we don’t always have to push to the max and sometimes what we think isn’t good enough is pretty amazing!
That is so true!
all great lessons! It’s interesting because my personal trainer hated the fact that I was a runner. As much strength as I gained I never fully felt supported in that area. Glad you’ve found someone who helps in all areas!
Well that is really interesting! He has been a great help in all areas I am really lucky
Rest days are so hard for many to do, but it is so important to rest and let your body/joints/muscles take a break.
It is sometimes hard to do!