As a former Social Worker, I often find myself returning to some of the psych theories I learned to help analyze and manage life stresses. Last week, otherwise known as “the week I almost gave up summer running”, I found myself trying to come to terms with the awful runs I was experiencing. I know I’ve whined quite a bit recently about my difficulties with the heat and humidity. Please indulge me a bit of artistic license as I adapt Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages to help get me through the summer running season.
5 Stages of Summer Running
Denial is basically the “failure to acknowledge an unacceptable truth” (Webster)
We went straight from winter right into summer around here without much of an adjustment period. Some of the thoughts I had were:
That weather forecast just can’t be right…It can’t be a bad as everyone says it is…It won’t hit me as hard this year
“Strong feelings of hostility, displeasure and irritability” (Webster)
Yup check √ that pretty much describes me to a tee. Thoughts of fear and dread can easily fill my head as if this will mean the end of my running career. “How will I train for RnR?…Why did I sign up for a summer race?…How can 3 miles feel so hard?”
Attempting to negotiate to find acceptable terms (with mother nature?).
I am sure I never complained about running in the winter. If I did, I swear I will never do it again-ever. Just please make this humidity stop.
Loss of interest, sadness and self defeating thoughts.
Who am I without running? What will I do for exercise and social outlets?
Coming to terms with one’s circumstances and finding a way to adapt and move on. Realizing that this too will pass. In a few months, I know I will happily be running in the cool fall weather and the heat of the summer will be a distant memory.
Of course, not everyone goes through all of the “stages” of summer running and some go back and forth between stages. I currently find myself struggling somewhere between the anger and depression stages.
So tell me, are you finding yourself somewhere within these 5 Stages of Summer Running?
Linking up
The picture for anger is hilarious!! I’ve had similar thoughts on summer running since it really hits you hard the first few runs.
I am really trying hard to adapt it’s slow going out there
I’m sure not at acceptance! LOL. I think somewhere between anger and depression. Cute post!
Right there with you. Not sure I will ever be at acceptance 🙂
This is perfect! It is so hard to adapt to summer running, both physically and mentally. For example, I am procrastinating my run this morning by sitting in the air conditioning reading blogs!
Ha well that’s a great way to waste time!
I am right there with you. This winter was brutal but I will take snow and cold over hot temps any day!
Yes me too it’s just easier to acclimate to
I don’t appreciate running in the heat/humidity either but I think I’ve come to accept it. I work around it as best I can. Like you said, it’ll be gone before we know it.
I am not at the acceptance stage yet! Working on it
I feel like I’m literally dying while running in the heat and humidity. I trick myself into thinking if I just get a hydration pack, change my water/food intake, get up earlier to beat the heat, it’ll get better. So basically I’m still in the denial phase.
Right there with you! Just got a hydration pack too. I have tried it on the bike but not yet on the run. I’m more angry at the moment
I’d guess acceptance . . . I’ve just resigned myself to getting out there.
You seem to do a good job at it!
This is a cute post! Ugh – I feel the same way. It went from super cold and dark for my mornings runs to HUMID. Plus – now my morning light is starting to go away! _ I’ll stop whining now. Great job getting after it though Deb!
right back at you!
I have a social work background, too! It definitely has uses in so many other areas in my life. 🙂
I’d say I’m in the acceptance phase and jumped there pretty quickly. It is what it is- not easy, but I’ll take the sunny mornings and fewer layers!
sounds like a healthy approach :0
ummm…where’s the “joyful bliss” stage? ((just kidding)) 😉
I know I’m a rare breed who loves the heat, but the humidity can be a bear at times. I think the biggest issue a lot of people are having is that there was no transition period from winter to summer. Not many of us had a real spring to play around with…and jumping (almost literally) out of thermal tights & long sleeves to shorts & tanks is tough. Hang in there….you’ll be happy you didn’t bail on running 😉
That is true we did not have a transition period at all which has made it quite difficult for me. Glad to hear you are still running well with the humidity!
haha I do get it! I’m more that way with winter running! but I may answer this after Sunday when it’s going to be the temperature of Hell’s Deepest Chambers during the races I am planning to run (gotta get the long run in…).
stick with running with friends so it will force you to go. this is why I often sign up for group training. even if I don’t wanna, I know I gotta because I (paid for it) made the commitment!
Yes that is the exact reason I run with my group and not by myself
Hahah this stages are so true. Especially the hot weather point. Such a struggle
It sure can be!
I agree with all of these and bounce around all summer long with these feelings. Right now, I’m just frustrated, so I opt for the treadmill, but I’m getting the itch to get back out there again…It just has to be earlier in the mornings, since it is hot as heck here in South Carolina.
I am pretty frustrated myself right now too. Hope it gets better for both of us
I don’t think I’ve done the bargaining — simply because I know that’s useless. 🙂
I think it’s mostly anger for me, too — why did I sign up for 2 long races this summer (although maybe in denial hoping the actual races will be cooler — one starts at 6200 ft after all!). Definitely why does this short run feel so frickin’ hard!
Right there with you!
Haha! This is brilliant! We are in winter now, but all I keep talking about is how great it was in summer. But in summer I was huffing and puffing about it being too hot. So I agree we go through the 5 stages – and for each season, ultimately acceptance.
We sure do!
Lol! This is funny. I have always loved summer running and the heat never bothered me as long as I ran smart but lately I feel like I’d rather run first thing in the morning to avoid it.
It’s been tough going for me lately too
That’s often how I look at working out, BUT I’m always happy when I do…and when it’s over!
OH yes always happy that I have done it
I love this post! I think I go through this every run no matter what the condition. But I do try and run super early in the AM to beat the heat.
I am really trying to become an earlier morning person-not easy-need coffee 🙂
Glad I’m not alone! Great read and loved the memes!
Oh no not alone!
If I were a runner, I would run inside in the summer or get up at like 4am to run outside. I cannot do heat. AT ALL. I do cardio every morning inside – and I blast ARCTIC AC temps! lol
I might be having to join you in the gym! It’s been tough going out here
Love this.
We skipped spring too. Maybe a day or two but it was cold, tyihen wet and now it’s going to be oppressively hot.
I cut my runs short. I skip runs.
I try not to get to down on myself about either.
I re-adjust any time goals I may have in a race.
In fact, this Sat, it will be just finish and not faint.
You seem to be handling it very well! It is hard to adapt
Perfect timing to read this! I’m scheduled Saturday for a group run at 5:30am. Weather will be hot/humid -hardly bearable . I can think of many reasons not to do this – not a morning person, hate running in high humidity, 30 minute drive to get to the run. Do I Give In, Give up, or Give it all I Got!! Trying hard to think positive:)
Me too! We can both do this. We got this 🙂
Yeap! This basically describes me to a T this year. I had to admit, it made me chuckle when I read it. 🙂
It’s been tough going out there this summer for all of us!
Haha! It is so much harder to run in the summer! I hate the cold though, so I’ll take it!