Happy Friday! I am taking some liberties with the “Friday Five” today and going off topic. I saw on the news this week that The FBI is reinstating “Fitness Tests” for it’s agents. Apparently, like the rest of America, it seems some of The FBI might need a little “toning up”. So…I thought it would be fun to see if I could pass the tests…
(These are based on the minimum requirements for women aged 20-29 separated by 5 min breaks ) source
1. 32 Sit ups without stopping
Check √ Piece of cake
2. 29 Push Ups without stopping
Check √
3. Run 1.5 miles in under 15:05
That’s right around a 10 minute mile so √ got that!
4. Run 300 M in less than 71 seconds
This I could do if I only had to do it once. √
5. I am sure there is some sort of background check
Lol hmm that might be the deal breaker!
The requirements drop off slightly for those over 29 yrs.
For men aged 20-29, the requirements are:
- 38 sit-ups without stopping
- 29 push-ups without stopping
- Run 300 m in less than 59 seconds
- Run 1.5 miles in 12.29 minutes
- These benchmarks are nowhere those needed for SWAT teams, Navy Seals or special Ops teams
I see all the crazy, incredible things all of you do everyday-maybe the FBI needs to expand their recruiting. I am thinking, hey maybe I should apply because I really think the FBI might need a few fit, suburban moms in their mid 40’s. What do you think? With me?
Think you can pass the test? What other fitness bench marks should they add?
How are you doing with week 2 of #RockYourCore?
Linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia
And Nicole
I am with you! I will start working on the push ups now! The FBI is missing out on a genre of badass mom’s out there! TGIF! Cute post!
Thanks! Have a great weekend 🙂
Hey deborah! Feel free to drop off your link in the free #LIPlinkup this week(posted today) ‘:)
Happy Friday!
and I forgot to wish you a happy Easter last week, so happy Easter!
Hi I keep forgetting about the life in pics post! I need to do one of those for sure. Thanks for the invite and have a great weekend.
No worries Deborah, you don’t have to link back , just drop any link throughout the week, it’s a free link up 🙂
That’s it. That’s all you have to be able to do to pass the test. I expected more. #icandoit 🙂
Have an awesome weekend Deborah!
I think we all can! Have a great weekend
I’ll have to see if I can do #4 but the rest I’m pretty confident about too. I think I’m going to try them all just for fun! I already have the background check from work. 😉
Oh you definitely should! You never know when they might need you. 🙂
hahahaha I wanna know what bad things you claim to have done in your past–I dunno if I can believe you being a bad bad girl!
I was once not married and didn’t have kids 🙂 I will save those stories for when we hang IRL 🙂
Haha, omg I love this! I was going to try to go into the FBI in my former life (studied criminology in college), good to know that I would have passed the test without a problem….except maybe for that background check. Probably a deal break for me too 😛
LOL you would think it would be a little tougher huh? We could totally crush it!!
I think a lot of fitness tests for college athletes is more challenging. Now, I’m not as speedy as I was before. I’d like to know what the Secret Service has to do, especially for a president who likes to run. I read Clinton and W Bush would love to run and the Secret Service had to be ready.
Oh I think that is totally different for sure! It was fun to do though
I definitely think this crew is just as tough as the FBI! haha! What a fun post!
We could certainly take them down!
Oh man, I definitely wouldn’t pass the push ups parts of the test!
I think you can-give it a try 🙂
Um, Deborah, they OBVIOUSLY need to expand their recruiting pool if these are the only requirements for the fit test – wow! So many of us could pass this; makes me wonder about the folks who actually apply with them…hmm… 🙂 I think you should just jump right in! Then, we could make a new TV show about a suburban mom-turned secret FBI agent or something really exciting like that, right?!? I have quite the imagination. Hope you have a great weekend!
Yes exactly! I was trying to explain that whole idea to my husband last night while he was laughing hysterically. We live a few miles away from the CIA in VA so I always joke about it.
Fun idea for a post! I think I could pass this one, although those push ups…
I think you could do it-give it a try 🙂
This is so interesting! A friend of mine applied for the NYPD and he was busting his butt to get in shape. Then it came to the test day and they had him doing the sit-ups differently than they had told him to practice. He failed by 1 sit-up! Terrible!
oh no! Sounds like that test is tougher
I would definitely pass the sit up test. The push up test would be a bit more challenging for me. I need to work on those.
Good goal for summer!
OH wow – I could totally be in the FBI!! It’s crazy how physically in shape you have to be for this! Love that they are attainable goals too!
Let’s do it!
Oh good…and yes if I do any type of running fast or jumping, it is all over. I need to have depends contact me for a review 🙂
Too funny they just asked me if I wanted to review them! No joke
Love this for today…I am going to try. Only the running fast in 71 seconds won’t happen because I will most likely pee my pants. LOL
OH you make me laugh! Yes I can see your comment 🙂
Fun – yes I could pass:)
My husband is military and he showed me the ranges for their yearly testing. I still top out on the youngest ages even at 45:)
Seriously moms are super bad ass!
I’m in my 40’s and think I could do most of these. Planks have got to be in there somewhere…..uggggh I dislike them but they are so good for me!
Yes I think we should both apply! planks are good too
I need to work on my pushups! I think I can only do 5 “good ones” maybe 5 “ugly ones” after that 🙂
They didn’t say they had to be good ones! 🙂
What a fun post! I would fail the push ups – They were always a deal breaker in gym class. LOL But I am working on them!
Yes do then we can go apply together!
I love this post! I definitely think the FBI should expand in terms of recruitment! Who would expect suburban moms to be agents? Go America! 🙂 lol
Exactly! 🙂
That all looks quite doable. I’d hope an FBI agent could pass that!
Me too! Ready to go apply?
And what happens if the FBI needs to chase the bad guys through the woods for more than a mile ? Do they just stop ? keel over ? LOL.
That’s when they call in the moms! 🙂
I can do all of those things and I am 61- pfffft. They really need up up their standards!
Good for you!!! I totally agree (but still think you are pretty bad ass!!) Thanks for stopping in
My stupid bad elbow would prevent me from doing the pushups. I think suburban moms would whip that place into shape, sista!
You and me both! 🙂
Im over 60 and can do all of those things. Even military (especially air force) has some weak standards…pffft.
Hmmm now I’m a little concerned about the FBI if that’s it for the fitness requirements! I like your idea of suburban mom agents – no one would ever suspect us 🙂
Seriously! We could be a great team 🙂 you in??
I can totally beast every part of it except the situps. I suck at life at situps! :[[! Is someone holding your feet, or do you have to just do em’ on your own? (I think my back arches too much and I just fail at getting up. It’s pretty pathetic. ._. )
Ha ha I don’t know! Something to work on -you still have time
So, if I can pass these, i can pass the test for the 40-somethings? I think the statute of limitations has expired for most of my youthful indiscretions …. if there were any. 😉
Absolutely! Let’s do it!
Ha! Piece of cake! What are the requirements for a 52 year old woman? LOL…
What ever they are you’d ace it! You in??
Now you are going to make me try this test! Moms over 40 unite!!
If the add chin ups or pull ups I would be DONE!! I really need to work on those!
oh chin ups are hard! Moms over 40 -totally underestimated
Oh and rocking #rockyourcore 😉
I’ve enjoyed your pics keep it up and you just might get into the FBI
I could totally do this! Very interesting to read! I actually would have expected more to get into the FBI. Nice post!
ah thanks! Should we apply?
Hmm- I’m a little worried about that sprint. Then again, I’m not in my 20’s (or 30’s!) anymore so I could probably meet the requirements for my age bracket:-)
Oh absolutely! Let’s do it
This is a fun post, Deborah!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
It was! Thanks you too!
Yeah I am not sure if I could pass due to the pushup criteria…definitely working on it though! Have a good weekend 🙂
I think you can!
How fun!! I’ve always wanted to work for the FBI! 🙂
Have a great weekend!!
I think we should sign up together! We’d be like superwomen 🙂
Sadly, I don’t think I could pass it right now. Crap. But, i could possibly pass the background check 😉
LOL! Something to work towards!
I think I’d be fine except for the pushups. I have zero upper body strength…
Who has time with all that crazy amount of running?
I could totally be an agent! I don’t have any desire to, but could do it 🙂 Have a great weekend!
LOL me either! But it’s nice to know we could 🙂
It depends on how closely they check your form on the push-ups… I can do 12 -15 with very good form with no problem. 29 would be no problem if they weren’t looking for full range of motion!
I’m thinking you could pull it off! Plus we get a little easier because we are over 29.
I’m not sure if I can pass any of these but you just gave me ,y workout for tomorrow…so thanks! lol
Awesome happy to motivate!
That seems pretty weak for the FBI… but ok… I feel like they should be able to robo-cop and do twice this. LOL!
I agree!
Very interesting! Although, I kind of expected more…
me too!
Wow, I’m surprised the standards aren’t more challenging! That said, I think I might struggle with 29 consecutive pushups. If I couldn’t drop to knees. I do them in sets of 10 with breaks in between sets.
I think you could totally pass!
I’m actually really surprised by this! I don’t know why I thought they would be more “challenging” but I guess it’s all about perspective. I think I could do all of them which makes me happy that my current fitness is on point. The background check may be a dealbreaker though! Ha 🙂
I’m pretty sure you could do it!
I totally can’t do that many pushups without stopping. I guess I’ll have to continue to fight crime in my mind instead 🙂
We get cut a little slack for being over 29!
Haha! Love this. It seems pretty crazy that they have not required a physical fitness test for awhile. Way to go for meeting the requirements!
thanks fun to do!
32 sit ups without stopping. I had to stare at that one for a while. I haven’t done full sit ups for a while now and remember the last time I did I struggled through 15. Definitely a nice goal to try and shoot for. Thanks for the fitness test.
Thanks for stopping by the blog and glad you liked the fitness test. Have a great day!